Weekly event: Twilight Croc Walk!

See crocodiles and alligators. At night. Visible only with a flashlight.
In Scottsdale?!?
Yes, you read that right.
The Phoenix Herpetological Society is an amazing rescue organization that houses over 1700 reptiles of various sorts. The majority
are pet types that have been surrendered. Others are extremely venomous snakes or large crocodiles and alligators.
On Friday, June 30th, go to their Twilight Croc Walk starting at 6 pm. It is at their animal sanctuary location. They don't give out the exact address until you actually sign up but it is in North Scottsdale.
At the Croc Walk, you'll " Have dinner, observe amazing crocodile feedings, learn about nocturnal reptiles, and find our crocs & gators using just a flashlight and their reflective eyeshine "
Kids 4 and over and all adults are $25/person (including dinner). Kids under three are free and can buy a meal for $5.
Go to https://phoenixherp.presencehost.net/visit/event_calendar.html/event/2017/06/30/twilight-croc-walk/157123 for more information!
If you can't make it this Friday, they do have more Croc Walks planned. See all of the events at http://www.phoenixherp.com/.